July, 2024

Registrations closes on Thursday for 'Your Child in Gold'

DUBAI- The corporate marketing and relations department of Dubai Municipality urged the public who wish to participate in this year’s weight loss contest ‘Your Child in Gold’  to hurry up for online and then onsite registration as the registrations closes on Thursday 24 July.

DSC_5352 copy (4)Mr. Ismail Al Banna, director corporate marketing & relations department said : “We have already met the target of this year to hit 15,000 participants which is an increase of 50% from last year’s ‘Your Weight in Gold’ initiative. Although , the registration will continue till the already announced date 24th July as we have an open budget for this initiative.

As two more days are left for the final onsite registration day, we would be happy to receive maximum contestants from families with children as well as individuals as this year’s focus is on the family members in order to educate and make awareness on how to lead a healthy life.

Since we aspire to be number one in everything we do, we wish Dubai to be one of the healthiest cities in the world, and we need all our citizens and residents to be aware of our aims. We believe that the people are the real assets of our city, so we take care of their health and welfare to build a beautiful future for our beloved city.”

He reiterated that health is more precious than gold.  We give gold only to motivate people and make them think to change their lifestyle to be safe from many lifestyle related diseases.

Screen shot 2014-07-07 at 12 05 46 PM (4)‘The minimum weight to be reduced is 2kg for all participants to be eligible for rewards. Each individual participant will get one gram of gold per kilo reduced while families will get 2 grams for each kilo reduced. The first prize, will be given for the individual who reduced the most out of his or her weight in accordance with the terms and conditions. 

 The initiative  is also aimed at introducing the walking tracks in different parks in the city of Dubai. The walking is as an easy and economic way to stay fit and healthy that people can easily apply into their day-to-day life. Municipality has provided residents with safe and accessible walking tracks in urban and rural contexts.

Currently Dubai has around 100 places to practice sport activities including, residential parks, public parks, squires, jogging track and beaches. In addition, Every year the civic body opens new parks in more areas and adds sports equipment and tools for public to promote a healthy community.   

DSC_5369 copy (4)The final measurement will be between 10-15 September 2014 where the participants will get an SMS which will provide the date  and place they have to come to take the final measurement. 


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