ADX Achieves 97% in Disclosure Compliance of 2nd Quarter Financial Statements 2019

Abi Dhabi: Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX) announced that it has succeeded in achieving a compliance rate of 97% regarding the disclosure of the 2nd quarter financial statements 2019 of its listed public joint-stock companies, domestic and foreign, within the deadline of 45 days from the end of the financial period.
62 out of 64, local and foreign, public listed companies disclosed their 2nd Quarter financial statements for 2019 within the 45 days period given. It is worthy to note that the Energy Sector witnessed an increase in profit with 20.41%, followed by the Services Sector with a profit increase of 18.72%
On this occasion, ADX stated that the collaboration between the Exchange and its listed companies has always proved to be a productive one.